Kamis, 12 Juli 2012



Current IT developments are increasingly growing. Information technology itself is a technology used to process data, including processing, obtain, compile, store, manipulate data in different ways to generate quality information, information that is relevant, accurate and timely, which is used for personal purposes, education, business, and government and is a strategic information for decision making. This technology uses a computer to process data, the network system to connect one computer to another computer as needed, and use of telecommunications technology so that data can be distributed and accessed globally. Roles that can be provided by the application of information technology and communications technology is to get information for your personal life such as information about health, hobbies, recreation, and spiritual. Then for professions such as science, technology, trade, business news, and professional associations. Means of cooperation between private or group with one other person or group without knowing the limits of distance and time, country, race, economic class, ideology, or other factors which may inhibit the exchange of ideas.

 Development of information technology in Indonesia is strongly influenced by the ability of human resources in understanding the components of information technology (hardware, software, computer networks and telecommunications systems). Many children who use IT developments for everyday needs such as only the use of facebook, twitter and so forth. Advances in information technology and telecommunications so rapidly, thus enabling the implementation of new ways to more efficient production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. It is this process that brings people into the society or economy Informasi.Saat this, we have entered the era of globalization with the development of information technology very rapidly. In Indonesia was the information from various parts of the world can already be accessed quickly and easily. Internet has changed the paradigm of society became more modern and practical. Current Internet more accessible. In addition to the more facilities that cafe, people can also access the internet through a PC or laptop at home, or to take advantage of hotspots, or even using the phone. Not only that, the Internet is now used as a medium of learning, business, military, and various other fields. Government of Indonesia has made the internet as an important part in many fields. By utilizing the Internet, Indonesia has made ​​one step forward to further developing and developed countries in the foreseeable datang.Selain that the presence of such technologies can add friends through social networks such as facebook and twitter. With the technology I already use it even though I have not much that can be mastered, but at least with technological developments can help me in doing the coursework. Thank technology ......

1 komentar:

  1. alhamdulillah blog saya sekarang sudah selesai,...
    meskipun mengalami kegagalan berkali",aku berusaha menyelsaikanya,...
    iahh bila ada salah kata mohon d maavkan,karna maklum baru saja mengetahui cara membuat blog,...

    sekian prcakapan dari saya wassalamuiallaikum.wr.wb
