Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Development of Science

Development of Science

 In today's era of globalization, economic and social life world of the future will no longer be determined solely by the availability of natural resources or a large population, but by the quality of people who can control and use of technology to improve the standard of living. Nations that do not control and use of technology will run over and dragged by the teknoratis. Teknoratis society or the future of industrial society is a society that can control and use of science and technology progress in managing and developing people. Control, development, and utilization of science and technology is a process of education. Education is required by all levels of society, education is the basis or foundation of quality people who will be fostered.


 Quality education is a constitutional claim, but instead of education is the most vulnerable in its management. Education is like an industry that needs to be managed its resources efficiently and professionally, in order to produce high-quality commodity and can dipasarkan.Tapi visible today is chaos on the face of management highlighted by the regulations that have not matched its implementation. Educational situation that is wrinkled and drawn out are ultimately detrimental to our own children, the Son of man during his childhood, the dependent adult, can learn about the culture at luangnya.Cara live in groups is one of the developing culture of human whether a group is able to survive or not is determined by the culture developed by the group. Groups that successfully survive and thrive, the weak lost in time or is controlled by more powerful groups. Human destiny forever dependent on the ability of our berpikirnya.Bangsa crave a quality education in the era of globalization to progress and compete with the advanced nations of the world.


1 komentar:

  1. alhamdulillah blog saya sekarang sudah selesai,...
    meskipun mengalami kegagalan berkali",aku berusaha menyelsaikanya,...
    iahh bila ada salah kata mohon d maavkan,karna maklum baru saja mengetahui cara membuat blog,...

    sekian prcakapan dari saya wassalamuiallaikum.wr.wb
